Ethics and compliance

The Ethics & Compliance Charter is the Roullier Group core reference source for ethics. It helps all employees, directors and representatives to embody this strategy each and every day in the professional activities. In order to underline its importance, the Chairman of the Board signed the foreword.  

The principles of Respect, Responsibility and Integrity are at the heart of the Roullier Group “Ethics & Compliance” Programme. They govern policies and procedures of respect of people’s rights, respect of health and safety and the Environment (HSE) and the fight against corruption.

The Group Ethics & Compliance Committee is comprised of directors of the main support functions. Its members are subject to a strict obligation of independence and confidentiality.  

Affiliated with the Board and presided over by Mr Jory Lacaze, the Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer, this Committee meets regularly, shall deliver Ethics & Compliance opinions and ensures that the Group procedures and policies are correctly rolled out.

The Group Ethics & Compliance Committee is the guarantor of the “Ethics & Compliance” Programme. 

Our governing principles

Safety and sustainability of the Group require that its decisions and professional practices be guided by intangible principles :


These principles constitute the very foundation of the Roullier Group Ethics and Compliance policy.


The Roullier Group has a firm commitment to respect fundamental human rights and, above all, mutual respect between employees. We are convinced that our development can only be sustainable if the rights of each and every individual are respected and if we ensure the application of this principle on a daily basis as part of our professional practices and act with respect, courtesy and consideration towards our clients, potential clients, suppliers and subcontractors.


The Roullier Group ensures that in all circumstances it acts in compliance with current standards and regulations.

We are fully aware of the impact of our activities and adopt a voluntary and responsible approach to the safety of all our stakeholders. Roullier Group is also committed to environmental protection through programmes to minimise the environmental impact of our activities, products and transportation methods.


We act with integrity and ethics, and in compliance with current legislation and regulations. Our employees guarantee this principle in all relations with our counterparties and ensure that we maintain a standard of integrity and objectivity in the choice of our working partners.

We work in compliance with internationally recognised accounting and tax standards and have prioritised the prevention and detection of all forms of fraud and corruption.

Our commitments

Respect of people’s rights

People are at the core of the development of the Roullier Group. Respecting standards pertaining to the rights of individuals and labour law in each country where we are present is a priority.

Combatting fraud, corruption and “unlawful facilitation payments”

It is essential that stakeholders in the economic sector integrate the negative impact that fraud and corruption can have in the business sector.

It is for this very reason that the Roullier Group applies a zero-tolerance policy in terms of fraud, corruption or “facilitation” payments, notably where representatives of public authorities are involved.

Respect of embargos and other international restrictions

The Group respects national and international regulations which govern international trade, and which may lead to embargos or trade restrictions.

The Roullier Group has implemented a control and approval procedure for transactions with countries and people concerned by sanctions.

Respect of the Health and Safety of people and the Environment

All industrial and commercial activities lead to decisions which are likely to have a human, social and environmental impact. The Roullier Group undertakes to act in a responsible manner which involves guaranteeing working conditions which respect the health and safety of people and minimising the environmental effects of its activities.

Respect of privacy and personal data

The privacy of employees and potential candidates, clients and suppliers must always be respected.

The Roullier Group undertakes to ensure that personal data is collected and processed in a fair and lawful manner, for a declared purpose and in a manner proportionate to the objective pursued. The Roullier Group ensures that each individual benefits from a prior right of consent to collection and access to his/her personal data, and that storage of this data is controlled by reliable safety systems.

Fair competition

The Roullier Group condemns any agreement or practice which is anti-competitive on the market and ensures that its employees respect current laws on competition.

Compliance of raw materials and our products

In all our commercial activities, we are governed by strict regulations which lay down many criteria for quality, traceability and safety of raw materials which we handle and for the products we sell onto the market.

As a major stakeholder, over and above compliance of these already stringent rules, we have introduced our own Quality Standards for Raw Materials. The solid position of the Roullier Group depends on the quality of its products. We have made this a priority on a daily basis.

Prevention of conflicts of interest

Our entrepreneurial mindset and our effective performance lead us to constantly take decisions which commit the Group.

However, we act on merit and not in terms of personal interest. Any relationship or personal interest likely to directly or indirectly prevent any employee from taking a fair and impartial decision constitutes a conflict of interest. Such situations must be avoided as they may lead to divergence from principles of Integrity and Responsibility.

Our resources

The Roullier Group ethics and the compliance of its operations with its commitments are guaranteed on a daily basis by the existence of tools and procedures accessible by all employees.

Common standards accessible to all employees

The Roullier Group applies the principles of action and the commitments of its “Ethics & Compliance” Programme to all of its activities, regardless of their location. Consequently, the Group ensures that its employees effectively have access to the Group’s Ethics & Compliance Programme composed of our Ethics & Compliance Code, polices and processes, are sufficiently informed and, if they assume managerial or particularly sensitive positions, that they undergo dedicated training.

A vigilant ethics and compliance committee

As guarantor of our programme, the Group Ethics & Compliance Committee comprises directors from major core areas of the Group.

The Committee develops and promotes a frame of reference in terms of Ethics & Compliance, is responsible for the training policy of our employees, continuously evaluates and improves our Ethics & Compliance Programme, deals with warnings and alerts, and where necessary, recommends the necessary remedial measures.

Ethics and compliance managers and a management team at each of our sites to respond to your needs

The Ethics & Compliance Committee is backed by local Officers who guarantee the implementation of procedures and who are in particular responsible for clarifying the interpretation and implementation of the Group Ethics and Compliance Programme to all the employees.

An effective alert procedure which respects the rights of whistleblowers

The Roullier Group has a platform intended to receive alerts from employees in the event that they observe any practices or situations or informations relating to practices likely to breach the commitments of our “Ethics & Compliance” Programme, and more broadly, any crime or threat or prejudice for the general interest.

The Roullier Group ensures that whistle blowers are guaranteed confidentiality and that their alerts are handled according to prevailing regulations. More information on the “ethical line” page.


Ethics and Compliance Charters

Roullier Group Ethics & Compliance Charter

Ethics & Compliance Charter for partners