Ethical line

The Roullier Group reinforces the exercise of the right to alert,

taking into account legal and regulatory developments applicable to its activities.

The Roullier Group Whistleblowing System, applicable to its activities in France, is open to Group employees, our clients, suppliers and service providers as well as their subcontractors, candidates for recruitment and Roullier Group former employees, and external and casual personnel.

If you are one of these stakeholders, you can report :

  • facts contrary to the Ethics & Compliance Charter or the Partner Ethics & Compliance Charter,
  • a breach or an attempt to conceal a violation of the law or an international convention,
  • a crime or a misdemeanor,
  • a threat or an harm to the general interest.

Under certain conditions, you can benefit from whistleblower status.

Your alert will be handled in accordance with the Roullier Group Whistleblowing System and Whistleblowing System Confidentiality Policy, which you are kindly requested to read carefully beforehand.

The procedures for exercising the right to alert set out in the above System may not correspond to those provided for by the legislation of each of the countries in which we operate. Consequently, they apply subject to mandatory or more protective provisions resulting from the legislation of these countries.

Two options are at your disposal to issue an alert :

  1. You can send a request using the form below ; the Group Ethics & Compliance Team will handle your request or direct it to the appropriate person.

Form for issuing an alert

2.You can also connect to the secure platform for collecting and processing alerts, Whispli (including anonymously) :

Extract from the Roullier Group Whistleblowing System: who to report to ?